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Upon This Rock Podcast

Episode 54 of the Upon This Rock Podcast with Father Don Farnan

Father Mike Roach has served as a parish priest throughout the Kansas City-Saint Joseph area for over forty years, primarily in the northland. His compassion for those who are on the fringes of the church and of society reminds many people of the ways in which Jesus operated.

His welcoming attitude, as well as his understanding of the human condition, draws people to him and the church. As he advances in age, he reflects here upon his numerous and varied assignments and his hopes for the church in years to come.

Click here to listen now. Listen and subscribe on your favorite app (Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more).

Download the MP3 file of this episode. Listen to all the Upon This Rock episodes. #uponthisrockpodcast

Welcome To Farnan

Spirituality Center!

Welcome to the Farnan Spirituality Center (FSC) website! “Welcome” means to come and be made well. It is my hope that you will be made well—or that your life is enhanced—by a closer walk with the Good Lord. Spiritual encounters, from group retreats or discussions to one-on-one counsel or direction, are good ways to strengthen our relationship with God and, subsequently, with others.

I invite you to peruse the website and indicate your interest, sign up for the monthly newsletter, or sign up for an upcoming retreat. And let us pray for one another.

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"In the end, these things are only required: that you act justly, that you love tenderly, and that you walk humbly with the Lord."

The Prophet Micah

View Father Don's

Latest Blog Post

Father Don Farnan

"Upon This Rock Blog"

By Father Don


Earth & Sky

“There’s a legend that’s known both here and afar, ‘bout a belief that we have in a magical star; Wise Men were overwhelmed but what would they bring, as the star came to rest over the newborn king!”

Local citizens are sometimes surprised to learn that there are places within Kansas City that are not part of the city, that don’t belong to the city, and where city laws and systems have no jurisdiction or power. Catholics are also sometimes surprised to learn that, though the Vatican is the smallest nation on earth, it owns numerous properties in other countries; it is estimated that these places add up to be about the size of France. Read the full post.

Spiritual Resources

Saint Teresa of Avila.

"We are like travelers who have forgotten
the name of our destination. We must return from where we came to discover where
we are going."

G. K. Chesterton

Our Community Loves Us

"I truly appreciate the use of musical references and other writings which you often use. I have been blessed to have attended small dinners and discussions where you have often used these same references to engage attendees. It always has left me with soul searching and a path to answering some very deep questions. Thank you for providing some more stepping stones."
- Helen V.

“Thank you, Father Don! Your good words help so many, and I love forwarding your encouraging message.”
- Peggy B

"Thank you for helping us see the connections rather than the differences in many faith traditions."
- Mary Jo C.

Discover the Resources

The Farnan Spirituality Center provides spiritual direction,

spiritual counseling, and spiritual guidance to everyone.